Timelapse of Yellow Mini Tomato Plants over 5 Months

27 Oct 2023

In the previous post I wrote about growing wild straberry plants in the Click and Grow Smart Garden 3. After moving the strawberry plants outdoors in mid summer, I decided to start growing mini tomatoes.

And here’s 5 months of tomato growth!


I used the same setup as last time. You can read about the details here. The only difference is that I used ffmpeg to combine the video and audio this round because I noticed that iMovie degrades video resolution.

This is the command to combine the video and audio:

ffmpeg -i cherry_tomato.mp4 -i fall-luke-moseley-main-version-03-49-10705.mp3 -c:v copy -c:a aac -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 cherry_tomato_with_audio.mp4

Happy growing!

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